WEBVTT 00:00:00.150 --> 00:00:04.190 position:50% align:middle Compared to the dated pencil-and-paper tests we all experienced in the past, 00:00:04.400 --> 00:00:09.500 position:50% align:middle computerized adaptive testing or CAT uses today's technology to tailor test 00:00:09.500 --> 00:00:13.280 position:50% align:middle questions to your ability level and achieve faster, more accurate, 00:00:13.280 --> 00:00:14.648 position:50% align:middle and fairer test results. 00:00:14.950 --> 00:00:17.947 position:50% align:middle REx-PN uses CAT to administer the exam. 00:00:18.530 --> 00:00:22.086 position:50% align:middle Let's take a brief look at how REx-PN using CAT works. 00:00:22.790 --> 00:00:27.129 position:50% align:middle The goal of CAT is to identify each candidate's competence to practice safely 00:00:27.350 --> 00:00:30.843 position:50% align:middle by determining the difficulty level of questions a candidate can 00:00:30.843 --> 00:00:32.451 position:50% align:middle consistently answer correctly. 00:00:33.020 --> 00:00:36.600 position:50% align:middle We've invited these candidates to a fitness center because we think their 00:00:36.600 --> 00:00:40.131 position:50% align:middle workout can quickly help you understand the principles behind CAT. 00:00:40.880 --> 00:00:45.030 position:50% align:middle Let's say each free weight represents a question, and we want to determine how 00:00:45.030 --> 00:00:49.010 position:50% align:middle heavy a weight you can lift, in other words, how difficult a question 00:00:49.010 --> 00:00:50.280 position:50% align:middle you can answer correctly. 00:00:50.980 --> 00:00:54.470 position:50% align:middle In this example, the trainer has established that this size weight 00:00:54.470 --> 00:00:58.420 position:50% align:middle represents the passing standard, and this correlates to the minimum 00:00:58.420 --> 00:01:01.203 position:50% align:middle competence needed to practice entry-level nursing. 00:01:01.746 --> 00:01:06.120 position:50% align:middle The examination is designed to determine if you can consistently answer questions 00:01:06.120 --> 00:01:09.039 position:50% align:middle that are more difficult than the minimum competence standard, 00:01:09.260 --> 00:01:11.652 position:50% align:middle which in our example is this size weight. 00:01:14.440 --> 00:01:18.360 position:50% align:middle Lighter weights are easier to lift and represent questions that are less 00:01:18.360 --> 00:01:20.109 position:50% align:middle difficult than the passing standard. 00:01:20.830 --> 00:01:24.950 position:50% align:middle Heavier weights are more difficult to lift and represent questions that are more 00:01:24.950 --> 00:01:26.932 position:50% align:middle difficult than the passing standard. 00:01:27.760 --> 00:01:31.750 position:50% align:middle Each question, like each free weight, reveals more about the true competence 00:01:31.750 --> 00:01:32.911 position:50% align:middle level of the candidate. 00:01:33.420 --> 00:01:37.040 position:50% align:middle With each answer, CAT's calculation of your entry-level competence 00:01:37.040 --> 00:01:38.422 position:50% align:middle becomes more precise. 00:01:39.000 --> 00:01:42.690 position:50% align:middle When you answer a question correctly, you've provided evidence that you could 00:01:42.690 --> 00:01:45.159 position:50% align:middle probably answer easier questions correctly. 00:01:45.760 --> 00:01:49.961 position:50% align:middle For that reason, the next question selected will be slightly more difficult. 00:01:50.610 --> 00:01:54.790 position:50% align:middle Increasingly more difficult questions will be asked until you incorrectly 00:01:54.790 --> 00:01:55.860 position:50% align:middle answer a question. 00:01:56.460 --> 00:02:00.323 position:50% align:middle At that point, the next question asked will be slightly less difficult. 00:02:01.014 --> 00:02:05.360 position:50% align:middle If that question is answered correctly, then a slightly more difficult question 00:02:05.360 --> 00:02:09.474 position:50% align:middle will be asked next and so on throughout the remainder of your exam. 00:02:10.400 --> 00:02:14.300 position:50% align:middle Everyone will miss some questions because questions are programmed to be 00:02:14.300 --> 00:02:17.890 position:50% align:middle increasingly difficult until a question is answered incorrectly. 00:02:18.642 --> 00:02:22.870 position:50% align:middle How computerized adaptive testing works is illustrated by this map, 00:02:22.870 --> 00:02:24.975 position:50% align:middle which represents a candidate's progress. 00:02:26.700 --> 00:02:29.771 position:50% align:middle The passing standard is illustrated by the blue line. 00:02:30.370 --> 00:02:33.659 position:50% align:middle Questions below the line are questions that are less difficult 00:02:33.708 --> 00:02:35.035 position:50% align:middle than the passing standard. 00:02:35.570 --> 00:02:39.222 position:50% align:middle Questions above the line are more difficult than the passing standard. 00:02:40.010 --> 00:02:44.240 position:50% align:middle The map represents both the difficulty of questions asked and the competence 00:02:44.240 --> 00:02:46.228 position:50% align:middle estimate of the candidate's performance. 00:02:47.120 --> 00:02:50.440 position:50% align:middle In this example, the candidate successfully answers a series 00:02:50.440 --> 00:02:52.464 position:50% align:middle of increasingly difficult questions. 00:02:53.030 --> 00:02:56.519 position:50% align:middle Then the candidate begins to answer some questions incorrectly. 00:02:57.257 --> 00:03:01.460 position:50% align:middle After answering the minimum number of questions required, the candidate reached 00:03:01.460 --> 00:03:05.207 position:50% align:middle a competence level that is significantly above the passing standard. 00:03:05.940 --> 00:03:09.510 position:50% align:middle When competency is determined, the examination is completed, 00:03:09.510 --> 00:03:10.869 position:50% align:middle and the candidate passes. 00:03:11.350 --> 00:03:15.600 position:50% align:middle Conversely, when it is determined that the candidate has not shown that they have the 00:03:15.600 --> 00:03:19.820 position:50% align:middle needed entry-level competencies, the examination ends and the candidate 00:03:19.820 --> 00:03:20.834 position:50% align:middle does not pass. 00:03:21.690 --> 00:03:25.417 position:50% align:middle The number and difficulty of the questions will vary for each candidate. 00:03:25.910 --> 00:03:29.646 position:50% align:middle This is true for candidates above and below the passing standard. 00:03:30.750 --> 00:03:35.130 position:50% align:middle Some candidates will be asked fewer questions because a competent pass or fail 00:03:35.130 --> 00:03:39.490 position:50% align:middle determination was made quickly, for they consistently answered questions 00:03:39.490 --> 00:03:42.948 position:50% align:middle either significantly above or below the passing standard. 00:03:43.770 --> 00:03:47.080 position:50% align:middle Other candidates, however, who had competence levels near the 00:03:47.080 --> 00:03:52.100 position:50% align:middle passing standard, either a little above or below will be asked more questions 00:03:52.100 --> 00:03:54.773 position:50% align:middle in order to determine their pass or fail results. 00:03:55.700 --> 00:04:00.420 position:50% align:middle To ensure complete content coverage, all REx-PN candidates will answer a 00:04:00.420 --> 00:04:04.850 position:50% align:middle minimum of 90 and a maximum of 150 test questions. 00:04:05.630 --> 00:04:08.861 position:50% align:middle You'll be given up to four hours to complete the REx-PN. 00:04:09.480 --> 00:04:12.293 position:50% align:middle This includes a tutorial and all break times. 00:04:12.617 --> 00:04:17.140 position:50% align:middle A candidate will pass the REx-PN if they answer at least the minimum number 00:04:17.140 --> 00:04:21.020 position:50% align:middle of questions and achieves a competence level significantly above the 00:04:21.020 --> 00:04:25.538 position:50% align:middle passing standard, answers the maximum number of questions and achieves a 00:04:25.538 --> 00:04:30.126 position:50% align:middle competence level above the passing standard even if not significantly above, 00:04:30.665 --> 00:04:35.452 position:50% align:middle or answers at least the minimum number of questions, but runs out of time and has a 00:04:35.452 --> 00:04:39.685 position:50% align:middle competence level above the passing standard for the last question answered. 00:04:40.562 --> 00:04:45.360 position:50% align:middle A candidate will not pass the REx-PN if they achieve a competence level 00:04:45.360 --> 00:04:50.630 position:50% align:middle significantly below the passing standard, answers the maximum number of questions 00:04:50.630 --> 00:04:55.510 position:50% align:middle and has a competence level below the passing standard, runs out of time and has 00:04:55.510 --> 00:04:59.320 position:50% align:middle a competence level that falls below the passing standard at the last 00:04:59.320 --> 00:05:03.850 position:50% align:middle question answered, or answers fewer than the minimum number of questions 00:05:03.850 --> 00:05:05.108 position:50% align:middle during the time allowed. 00:05:05.750 --> 00:05:11.850 position:50% align:middle To protect the public, BCCNP and CNO require those candidates registering 00:05:11.850 --> 00:05:14.673 position:50% align:middle to practice to meet specific requirements. 00:05:15.130 --> 00:05:21.439 position:50% align:middle BCCNP and CNO use the REx-PN to assess whether the candidate has the knowledge, 00:05:21.630 --> 00:05:26.290 position:50% align:middle skills, and judgment essential for an entry-level nurse to safely meet clients' 00:05:26.290 --> 00:05:28.914 position:50% align:middle needs within the first year of practice. 00:05:29.340 --> 00:05:33.595 position:50% align:middle Just like a well-designed fitness program can help prepare you for a healthy life, 00:05:33.890 --> 00:05:38.270 position:50% align:middle understanding how CAT works will better prepare you for the testing experience. 00:05:39.092 --> 00:05:45.140 position:50% align:middle At ncsbn.org/rex-pn, you can review other materials to learn 00:05:45.140 --> 00:05:46.288 position:50% align:middle more about the exam. 00:05:46.670 --> 00:05:47.195 position:50% align:middle Good luck. 00:05:47.195 --> 00:05:50.195 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪